How to Expunge a Criminal Record

Is it possible to expunge a criminal record?  The answer is yes.  However, expunging a criminal record can be a complex process.  After a criminal record is expunged, records of arrests and convictions are placed aside.  Basically, that means that as far as the law is concerned, you are no longer guilty of that crime.

There is not a blanket statement as far as qualifying for an expungement.  Each state and each county within that state has its own laws and procedures around expungement.  Anyone interested in criminal record expungement should definitely consult with an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer.  While it’s advisable to do your research on the expungement process in your area, the right lawyer will be able to guide you through the process and the paperwork involved.

Some jurisdiction will only expunge misdemeanor convictions while others will consider felony convictions as well.  Typically, expungement is only an option after the terms of a sentence or probation have been served and completed.  It is rare to encounter difficulty in expunging juvenile offense.  However, as stated before, every case is unique and all states differ in the expungement requirements and eligibility.

Having a criminal record expunged can open new doors and it allows for new opportunities.  Those with criminal records often have difficulty landing a job or being approved for the proper housing.  A criminal record can even negatively impact one’s credit score.  The quality of one’s life can improve vastly once a criminal record is removed.