How to maximize the resale value of your home

Article Submitted By – Jerry Armen

jerry armen

Your first step to getting the most value on reselling your house is to depersonalize. You want a buyer to start imagining your home as their own from the moment they drive up. Get rid of anything that tells anything about you. Hide photos, trophies, etc… Next, you will need to get rid of the clutter. A buyer will devalue in his mind a home that has clutter. Throw it away, sell it or store it.

Two rooms a buyer will look at closely are the kitchen and bathroom. Make sure the fixtures are like new and function perfectly. Paint over any water stains. Doors must open properly. Get rid of any clutter. Clean immaculately.

Curb appeal is a catch phrase you hear and it is true. Buyers form an opinion the moment they see the house from the curb of the street. Make sure your home is picture perfect from outside: lawn, walkway, driveway, exterior, and greenery.

With energy efficiency a major point in buying a home, you will gain value in your home by updating your furnace, air conditioning, windows, water heater, and roof. Some of these can be costly, but all of them will yield a large return and more than pay for themselves.

Compare your home and its price to other similar homes that have sold recently. You should come in at a similar price. The better your price, the easier it will be to sell. It is basic business. You can boost the value of your home if you focus on the most critical areas.